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Acquire is Open Bible’s newest learning platform.
ACQUIRE is an Open Bible Churches’ leadership development resource center, an online clearinghouse with objectives to provide:
Tools/courses for completion of specific ministerial credential requirements.
Open Bible orientation for credential applicants.
Continued education of currently credentialed ministers.
Leadership resourcing and training of church leaders.
Why Acquire?
Today’s marketplace for ministry demands fresh perspective and informational insights to measure and understand cultural realities and minister to contemporary needs. One of today’s cultural realities is the difficulty for people to uproot from jobs, homes, incomes, and families to move to a traditional campus and study.
Additionally, the economics of amassing debt associated with such preparational transitions can burden graduates with the equivalents of mortgages prior to assuming entry level ministry responsibilities. Technology, and accompanying adjustments in educational and training methodologies now bring ministry preparation and church leadership training as close as the local church and home computer.
Through Acquire, students can learn from seasoned ministers who have become skilled and effective leaders for Christ.
Get Started Now!